Introductory essay

I don’t remember much of my childhood, but there is something that has always
been my passion, and that is “science.” At some point, not remembering things from my
past makes me wonder if it is just my brain avoiding those memories or if there is
something else in my brain that is not functionally working. Since I was in high school,
there was a field that always caught my attention, and I wanted to study forensic
science because I got really interested in the details of every scene and recreated the
story of what happened to discover new evidence. I’ve been working on determining the
reasons for people’s actions since I discovered those behaviors are patterns from our
relatives that we easily adopt from different situations in our lives.

When I came back to live permanently in the United States, I discovered more
about science, but the fascination with studying brain behavior became more prominent
when I started to take biology classes. However, combining chemicals to create new
materials and discovering how we can use those in our daily lives also caught my
attention. During those years, I learned about research, and at the time I applied to
college, I was debating between neuroscience and forensic science as my
major. Currently, I declared biochemistry as my major. In this major, I will be able to study
and understand more about these subjects, which will help me decide which subject I
want to focus more on in graduate school.

There is a word for most people, but it means a dream for me, and it’s “scientist.”
I have always seen scientists as people who are born with gifts that are super smart and
are not like us “simple humans.” However, after all these years studying science,
working in a laboratory, and participating in different conferences where I had the
opportunity to expand my knowledge, I finally found that research is what I see myself
doing for the rest of my life, whether it is neuroscience, biochemistry, or other science
subjects. The mere fact of being able to investigate, solve problems, study, and create
new things is what motivates me to keep working every day on my dream and at some
point become the first scientist in my family

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