Self Assessment

I’ve started a journey of self-discovery and personal development during this semester’s Writing for Science class. I have the chance to think back on my development, my strengths and weaknesses, and the priceless lessons I have picked up thanks to this self-evaluation essay. It is a sincere assessment of my writing and communication skills, as well as my future goals for improving them. As a second language English student, I’ve always struggled with grammar. Some of my blunders have made it difficult to tie my passion and interest in science to writing papers and proposals. Through assignments, essays, and class debates, I have researched diverse topics, engaged in critical analysis, and developed my writing skills.

While I have made progress during the course, I recognize that there are still areas in which I need to improve. One flaw I’ve discovered is my inclination to struggle with order and coherence on occasion. My ideas can appear disjointed at times, making it difficult for readers to follow my train of thought. To solve this, I want to create extensive outlines prior to writing and revisit them during the editing process to guarantee a logical flow. As a second language English student, I’ve always struggled with grammar. Some of my blunders have made it difficult to tie my passion and interest in science to writing papers and proposals. Through assignments, essays, and class debates, I have researched diverse topics, engaged in critical analysis, and developed my writing skills.

Throughout this course, I’ve reached various milestones that have aided my development as a writer. One big accomplishment was skillfully blending literary devices into my writing, such as similes, metaphors, and symbolism. This has enabled me to communicate complex ideas in a more vivid and engaging manner, leaving a greater impression on readers. In my Literature essay, I provided complete and accurate citations for each source, following the APA style consistently. I also included concise summaries and evaluations of each source’s relevance and reliability. In my position essay, I paid close attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I used varied sentence structures and paragraphs to improve the flow and readability of the text. I also carefully proofread the essay, making revisions to ensure clarity and coherence.
Some strengths I learned from this class were the citation and the clarity in a sentence related to the scientific papers. I learned to double check my papers and even ask for revision to avoid any minor mistakes. 


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